'Pontefract Way' - Thoughts

30 years ago I suggested developing a route around Pontefract, utilising existing paths, public roads and council property.

On a revisit to some slide transparencies I took along the proposed route back in the day it has provoked some contemplation, which I may as well write about.

One BA in Geography and Transport planning, half a PhD and 3 decades later, there has been nothing to indicate that it was anything but a brilliant proposal. It would have provided safe, clean, utilitarian routes for walking and cycling between houses, schools, and the countryside. It would have required two bridges yet still it would have represented good value for money compared with some of the transport infrastructure that has been built (and removed) in Pontefract.

Of course no such development has ever taken place. On the remaining extant paths, things are worse, especially for cyclists, who are now, in at least 3 locations, forced to dismount where they used to be able to proceed normally. The only measurable improvement for cyclists (and drivers) in Pontefract is the removal of the Traffic Lights at Town End.

At local, regional, nationwide and global levels, the costs of transport to society have continued to increase, yet we continue to support the status quo. In Pontefract there is not an iota of evidence to suggest things are 'better'. If the money that WMDC had spent on car parking for teachers at the nine schools on the route and for pupils at New College we could have had the Pontefract Way and promoted great health and independence along the way. If the money that had been spent on the Pontefract Southern 'Relief' road, increasing car speeds on the back road into Darrington, Town End, The Prince of Wales housing estate, The Cobbler's estates, etc etc ad infinitum, if that money had been diverted to public welfare we could have had a decent, safe walking and cycling infrastructure to the benefit of all (including car users). Instead we have a complacent Labour safe seat and council, an entrenched administration, and an ambivalent populous who 'need' their motor vehicles and approve of walking and cycling 'but..', a trifecta of ignorance, stupidity and/or corruption.

Is there anyone else I can slam into?? Oh yes.

For my part, my life has its decent moments, but despite four fantastic kids, a grandchild who just lights up the dark days beyond comprehension, a few people I hope are friends, and some decent jobs done, I have squandered, offended, and frittered my life away, but I couldn't possibly have done that without many people, to numerous to list.

Pontefract Way 01

Pontefract Way 02

Pontefract Way 03

Pontefract Way 04

Pontefract Way 05

Pontefract Way 06

Pontefract Way 07

Pontefract Way 08

Pontefract Way 09

Pontefract Way 10

Pontefract Way 11

Pontefract Way 12

Pontefract Way 13

Pontefract Way 14

Pontefract Way 15

Pontefract Way 16

Pontefract Way 17

Pontefract Way 18

Pontefract Way 19

Pontefract Way 20

Pontefract Way 21

Pontefract Way 22

Pontefract Way 23

Pontefract Way 24

Pontefract Way 25

Pontefract Way 26

Pontefract Way 27

There is a great deal more to add too here, but I thought I'd put the slides out there, perhaps revisit the locations for a compare and contrast, and a link to all the original work.